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Think Like A Forest
Where conscious business meets natural wisdom
For startups, SMEs, community/charity and impact-led organisations seeking regenerative growth & leadership. .
A collaboration  of mind & vision - with JK McQuinn of Where the Mind Grows and Sarah Spencer of Think Like A Tree 


Business, but different!

Think Like A Forest 


Back in 2022, I collaborated with Sarah Spencer (Think Like A Tree) on a pilot program  of Think Like A Forest. For businesses who, like ourselves, were searching for answers and clarity—a way of doing and being that enabled positive change, both for organisations and the wider world.. 

​We saw business owners and leaders—just like you and I—feeling lost and confused, seeking ways to look past surface-level sustainability changes toward something deeper.

At our pilot, fifteen businesses discovered the value of getting curious and embracing a new paradigm of business.

​The response was so encouraging that we decided to keep going and help more change-makers, leaders, and pioneers!

In October 2022, we launched our first 'Fundamentals' program, welcoming businesses from global to local scale—from solopreneurs, coaches, and consultants to team members eager to explore how we could fundamentally shift the way we do business.

​When I established my coaching business in 2017, I knew I didn't want to be yet another organisation whose habits and approaches were destructive to the planet or its people.

Every day, I experience the benefits of the natural world for mind, body, and business. Nature is our source of life—one that includes ourselves. It's about loving and valuing nature not as a commodity, but as a necessity.

​It turns out many of you feel the same way—and want to help make a difference. That's why I now spend my time collaborating, coaching, and creating spaces for those who see themselves as part of a better future!

​The businesses we collaborate with in the Think Like A Forest program value a thriving, nature-abundant world.

They recognise their part to play in making that happen now. Together, we're turning hope into action for a flourishing future.

​Business is messy, complicated, and ever-changing. Shifting your 'norm' takes courage and conviction as we move from overwhelm to empowerment.

We share the fundamental principles of becoming (or continuing) a regenerative approach, joining you in your own adventure of figuring it all out.

​Sarah and I continue our own journey, navigating regenerative, living-systems ways of being and doing—in and out of business.

It's a wonderfully wild adventure, one that can feel like a lonely, scary unknown landscape if you're going it alone as a leader or business owner.


But here's the good news: you don't have to figure it all out on your own. Our wider world will benefit from a collaborative and connected approach. Together, we can each take bold decisions to learn and unlearn ways to regenerate business. 


We curated three pathways to our Think Like A Forest program. 


I'll share a little more about them on this page. 


Or take a hop, skip and jump to Sarah's website for a deeper dive and route to sign up.


Three Regenerative Pathways through the forest!

Below you'll find a summary of our three consciously curated pathways through the Think Like A Forest approach. For a deeper dive and more information you can visit the program page (on Sarah's website) HERE

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Experience Days 

​​Free Consultation to help design your team day.

  • One-day in-person immersions in woodland or Natural settings

  • Perfect for those seeking an introduction to regenerative practices

  • Includes hands-on learning about regenerative resources for your team, meeting them where they are. 

  • Focuses on practical understanding through direct nature connection

  • Ideal for leaders and teams wanting to experience what regenerative business approach in their organisation can feels like first-hand. 

  • Supports well-being, cohesion and a shared vision within your team. - for businesses looking to integrate a regenerative approach. 

Forest Path


  • Oct-Feb  each year! Open Group online deep-dive program

  • Introduction to the Think Like A Forest Regenerative Frameworks

  • Designed for individual leaders, coaches, and change-makers in Small to Medium Orgs/Businesses

  • Combines self-study modules with group workshop and coaching sessions online  (6 x 2-hour sessions)

  • A regenerative rest month in December for percolating. 

  • Access to One-Planet ecosystem mapping resource. 

  • 15 modules to explore & support your regenerative journey - no one persons is the same. 

  • Access to supportive online community

  • Focuses on both inner and outer transformation



  • 6-12 month comprehensive program for whole teams/organizations

  • Most in-depth offering with various delivery options

  • 15 modules plus either:

    • 6 x 2-hour online coaching sessions, or

    • 3 x 2-hour online sessions plus one in-person day

  • Guides entire teams or small organisations (under 20 employees) through implementing regenerative practices

  • Includes practical tools for organisational change. 

  • Access to One-Planet resource 

  • Connect with other regenerative organisations through our program platform. 

Discover More 

Tap a hop, skip and jump over to the Think Like A Tree page to dive deeper into this regenerative program and seek out your opportunity to contribute to positive changes. 

Wondering how Regenerative Practices Benefit Your Business?

​Its worth saying there are no straight lines or tick boxes in Regenerative and your organisation and inner shifts are unique as you are! 

But here are some of the changes, learning and unlearing to expect!


  • Shifts you from extractive  to life-creating business models

  • Improves innovation and problem-solving capabilities

  • Increases efficiency and productivity - balancing growth and de-growth in a considered and life-centred way. 

  • Helps staff maintain a feeling of purpose and impact which can support retention of 'best-fit' people. 

  • Creates stronger customer & community stakeholder  relationships

  • Helps you manager and maintain well-being as a leader and team. As a place to lead from, not re-act to. 

  • Enables product and service design innovation. 

  • Helps you find answers to difficult questions. 

  • Develops adaptive, resilient organisational culture

  • Centres employee wellbeing and engagement

  • Builds mutually beneficial collaborations

  • Supports transition to circular economy

  • Aligns business practices with natural systems

  • Teaches you how to learn from Nature, not just be in it. 

  • Creates conditions for sustainable growth and success

  • Supports changes in mindset & strategic thinking 

And all sorts of unexpected additions!

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