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Springing into Spring: Understanding our seasonal shifts.


Updated: Mar 14, 2023

I posted a video recently talking about the energy I discover that comes with Spring.

Thinking about ourselves and our well-being in respect of the seasons can be a useful tip when it comes to noticing patterns in our mood, motivation and general feelings of health.

If you spent time to map out your own eb and flow, you might find these seasonal shifts. Transitions in the month, weather and general natural activity that occurs in these periods. Connecting to our own internal feelings, how much or how little you are active or avoidant of particular habits, goals and activities in your life.

Just like nature we can have our own seasonal shifts within.

I think it’s also worth considering our own “bad weather” moments. Based on who you are and your life experiences you might be impacted by historical events like trauma, loss or change that (at a sub conscious level) bring the familiarity of a grey cloud on your heart and mind.

To quote the old adage, every cloud has a silver lining. And whilst you are “in” those cloudy moments it can feel unbearable, confusing and slow you down. But as you move through these moments of inner “season shift” there is the relief of that weight lifting and a sense of replenishment.

It’s worth highlighting that the odd dark cloud, or thunderstorm moment is to be expected as we navigate the challenges of life. If you find yourself frequenting an “emotional weather front” for a prolonged period of time, with little sunshine, there is benefit in talking with a professional or trusted friend/family member.

So, what if we just simplified life within the context of our own seasonal map?

Allowing us to spend a lot more time in a space of acceptance and self – care, knowing all these moments are time bound patterns of our own internalized natural cycles.

Instead, we spend a lot of time, energy and attention focused on an expectation of ourselves.

That you shouldn’t have a “slow season” or that a need for “hibernation” is unexpectable.

Maybe you spend time perplexed with questions like “why can’t I always be this motivated” as you juggle work, life new projects and suddenly perfect a month of healthy habits like an absolute life-style guru!

Maybe instead of giving yourself a hard time when it comes to “stocking up” over autumn and winter” you can fling your arms open and embrace the fact that you have just treated yourself to new PJ’s bedding and some extra-special bath salts for those long winter baths well and truly nesting in (come on surely it’s not just me?).

Imagine how much simpler things could be if we applied some of natures laws to our own way of living. New ideas and goals that feel full of effort, expectant that you should already be at the end before you have even started. They would transform like a new planted bulb, seeking nutrients, enriching its eco system and blooming at the most perfect time.

Perhaps instead of simply saying, “next”. You would stand back and admire our achievements, like admiring a well-tended garden, rather than forgetting all the work we just put in to turn something from seed to concept.

When a little bit of us becomes a bit misshapen, or aged or wilting around the edges. You would look upon those beautiful parts of us with the wisdom and knowledge that a gnarly ancient tree is admired in the woods.

When something is out of our comfort zone, instead of approaching with over-whelm or fear. You can imagine the journey of a new born lamb or foal. Who, not even knowing if it’s legs will support their weight, take wobbly steps into the curious world of possibility until they leap confidently into ownership of what nature gave them.

I always say this, because I know it to be true for me. There is a lot we can learn from nature.

This might be an idea that you embrace, if its not for you that’s fine too.

But think for a moment, if you had the freedom to redesign your life. Would you be factoring in days, weeks or months for rest?

Would you be considering that the end of something, always means the beginning of something else?

If you really had the opportunity, would you be delighted at the process you go through to nurture an idea or objective, rather than being hard on yourself?

Tracing back the patterns in your energy, mood or trends in creating change, would you find clues and answers to better enhance your well-being now and in the future?

Almost every year, I forget to really embrace winter as a time to create stillness. I focus on the celebrations structured in our calendars rather than what the world of nature around me is doing. I had to remind myself that a new year isn’t necessarily representative of a shift in our body and mind. And that, for me natures frosty grounds are a sign to create that stillness, ease off and let ideas grow beneath the surface. It’s harder to be fully energized when the world you inhabit actually has less source of light at that time of year.

As if by magic, with January and February out of the way, my ears prick, and my mind is awash with motivation, ideas and cultivation. I definitely look to nature at spring and give a loud cheer of “yes, I am in!”. By knowing this I optimize my own eb and flow and give myself permission to accept what I know. I am a seasonal being!

Research into nature-based contact (either direct time spent in nature or through connecting with nature pictures) highlighted the benefit of seasonal moods. With depression and anxiety being reduced through nature connectedness throughout these months. With conditions like Seasonal Affective Disorder said to impact 3/10 people in the UK (Bupa, 2019) time in and around nature has neurological and physical benefits to our well-being.

The benefits of being out in nature, with 20 minutes of regular nature time is said to help anxiety, reduce stress and increase focus, motivation and esteem. And that’s before we have even begun to use nature as a lifestyle mentor.

The Mental Health Foundation have a great guide that supports connection with mental health and nature. As humans, we are often having to work against the natural flow of nature and seasons, a typical 9-5, 5-day week won’t always allow for the fluctuations we need to adapt our well-being strategy. So, the increase in flexible working culture is a real bonus in reflecting and adapting to enhance your health.

It's worth taking a moment to pause and think about your own patterns, maybe you already know them? Maybe this is the first time you are exploring this for yourself?

So, if you find yourself wondering why you feel the way you do at certain times of the year, you might like to sign up to our mailing list and receive a range of resources to help you get better connected with nature.

You can watch my recent video here, with a handy framework for enhancing your well-being, if like me you have a spring in your step and your ready to get stuff done, changed or enhanced.

If you are looking for guidance in facilitating your own life changes, get in touch for a free discovery call. We can discuss how our 1:1 coaching in nature packages can help you create change, enhance well-being and reach goals that add value to your life.

Sign up to our mailing list, and keep connected with all things nature, well-being and being human.

Picture sources: Unsplash Jez Timms & Sylvia Cleymans

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