Meeting you where you are!
Online Life & Career Coaching for Nomads, Van-Lifers and Overlanders.
Mental Health and Well-being coaching for explorers, adventurers and wild-hearts - on the road!

A guiding anchor, for the wild ride of nomadic living & remote working travellers.
You've taken the leap to live your life wild & free as a digital nomad, van-lifer, over-lander or remote worker or business owner. Combining your love for travel and freedom whilst maintaining your career.
Your life on the road offers lots of enrichment and keeps your more connected to your roots.
But there is no harm in admitting that some days are tougher than others.
Even the most worldly adventurer is not immune to personal challenges to your confidence, well-being, mental health or the loneliness that can sometimes come from 'uprooting' and new discoveries.

Online Life Coaching to meet you where you are.
Because we appreciate you might not know where, what, when or how your next pause place will be we offer online coaching for travellers and van lifers.
JK's regenerative life coaching approach is focused on supporting those who value their place as part of the Natural world, weaving in approaches that draw on the knowledge and wisdom of Natures resilience.
The kind-hearted and wild-souls, the free-spirits and those with a kinship for our home, where ever you lay your head, Earth.
Coaching to help you understand your situation and make sense of what needs to change and how. The sessions also include coaching approaches informed by psychology and neuroscience, to help you really make sense of your own unique experiences of 'being human' in this complex and changing world.
Supporting you with feelings of anxiety, stress, loneliness and confusion. As well as helping you with clarity, direction and practical commitments to action.
Nurturing self-leadership skills to navigate the rough with the smooth - in the freedom of nomadic life.
Choose from a pay as you go option for our sessions, hosted via zoom and coordinated through a booking link OR select one of our packages (6 sessions) for a longer term focus and collaboration together.
One to one sessions with experienced coach JK McQuinn lasting 60-90 minutes each.

Hello, I am JK (Jennie-Kate) and I’ll be your coach. In my 20's I packed up my life, left the UK and took a few months of adventuring and 'figuring life out' in my 8 berth people carrier 'Bertha' (R.I.P)
When I returned to the UK I was so much clearer on my career and life aims - even though it took me plenty more years of figuring out! This led me to work in the field of mental health where I progressed into Leadership, until I realised my real calling was helping other people reach their potential and live a life where they can thrive, alongside the needs of our wider world!
I love adventures and being in the wild. I also really believe that 'rewilding our selves and our souls' is the way to reconnect ourselves with our land, heritage and compassion for Earth's current climate needs.
These changes in our own lives can lead to changes in lifestyle and cultures. From extraction and -over-consumption to a future aligned with life. I coach people who care about people and planet too.
Using a mixture of warmth, humour, and matter-of-fact bluntness, we’ll work together to create the changes you seek to see. So you can thrive and live the wild, free and creative life you are exploring for yourself.
I'll offer compassionate, curious challenge to help you develop self-leadership skills - so you can feel confident and true to yourself - inside and out.
A place, free of judgement, holding a grounding space alongside your adventure of a lifetime.
Discover more about JK

What do I need for our coaching sessions together:
You'll need access to 'stable' internet and where possible a laptop/desk top in which to access zoom. (You can do the session from your phone, though its not ideal) - you'll be asked to have your camera and microphone on for the session as this forms a necessity of the coaching practice.
I recommend installing zoom on your computer so it's easy to log in to the booking link.
Where possible find a confidential space, free of distractions and interruptions where you can feel comfortable for the session. Each session lasts 60-90 minutes
I recommend bringing a note book and pen to write down anything important, and note your actions and intentions.
I'm regularly travelling to different locations, will this impact our sessions?
As long as you can get online for our sessions, it does not matter to me where you sign in from.
For people who find their life is very much on the road, and your plans are fluid. The Pay As You Go option can be best suited, you can book your session a minimum of 3 days and a maximum of 30 days in advance. You will just need to consider any significant changes in your time zone if you are travelling somewhere new and have already booked in a session.
What is the cost of the sessions and how do I pay for them?
You pay for each session upfront, in advance, through the booking link. Using , PayPal or Stripe to make the payment. The session currency is GDP £. If you are claiming this session as a business expense, an invoice can be issued for your financial records.
You can choose between pay as you go sessions at £145 per 60-90 minute session or a package of 6 for £750 - to be used over a 9 month period.
What If My Plans Change and I need to change my session?
You can change your session, through the Calendly booking link through a reschedule options, up to 2 days in advance of the session. If you do not attend without notice, or have to cancel at late notice your pre-paid session will be lost. Full T&C's are included in the Coaching Agreement which you review and agree to in advance of coaching commencing. I will always take your personal situation into consideration. If I have to change/postpone the session this will be done FOC (Free of Charge).
What languages do you coach in?
Sessions are explored in English and require a clear understanding of spoken and written English.
Do I have to be living in a van?
Not at all. This offering is focused on people who have chosen a lifestyle in which they can travel, or relocate either permanently or on a short-to-long term temporary basis.
This may be as a life-style change/choice or as a way to see the world, whilst maintaining your income through remote working. You may be over-seas currently or in the UK travelling the isle. You are likely to be a UK citizen by origin, though this is not exclusive! You may currently be rooted at a hotel, hostel or even fixed accommodation as part of your current chapter in your exploration. Or venturing on the road, or even water.
How do I know if coaching is right for me?
The best way to understand how my coaching can work for you is to book a call.
Coaching is not just a space for talking, but it is a space for listening and understanding your issues and goals and helping you identify ways to change or resolve your situation and enhance your life.
Coaching works best for people who see a gap between where you currently are and where you want to be, even if you don't know how or what to change right now! My coaching approach focuses on career and life, as well as emotions, belief and mental health, taking into consideration your 'whole self'. Like all coaching approaches, sessions are focused on resourcing the issue, to find a relevant solution for your personal circumstances. Done in a holistic and strengths based approach.
If I feel I am not the ideal person to support your goals, and needs. I will be open & honest with you about this.